Watershed Wellness podcast

Always learning - a conversation with Dr. Melinda Nickels, ND, LAc

Eric Grey and the Watershed Wellness Team Season 2 Episode 4

In this episode, I sat down with Melinda Nickels to discuss her training and her perspective on her profession. Or rather - her professions - as in multiple! Dr. Nickels is a licensed acupuncturist, but also a Naturopathic doctor. Naturopathic doctors have many of the same capacities as MDs and DOs with regards to scope of practice, but come from a different perspective. You can learn more about Naturopathic medicine by clicking this link.

Melinda shares the story of how she came to Naturopathic medicine in the first place, including her adventures in fields as diverse as computer programming and natural building. Throughout the story we discuss aspects of natural medicine philosophy, her current interests and continuing education, and more.

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